Monday, February 2, 2009

strange situation

Well I don't have a job,but I did have a strange situation that had happen to me. When I had deja vu of me sitting in my second period class.When I was sitting in the desk writing something while the the teacher sitting in front of in the desk. All the students was in their same seats around me reading.When the teacher asked me what was I writing. And then I woke up it was a dream so I thought. A few days had passed. I was school in my second period class.When my dream was actual happen.The students was all sitting in their seats around me. Them reading, my teacher sitting in front of me and he asked me what am I writing. Deja Vu what a strange situation that was happening to me.

Monday, January 26, 2009

goals and changes

My goals for the second semester is to is to my classes on time, keep my grades up to A's.
Also too make on time to school, To read more books.
To study more and work harder,come to school everyday.
My changes are well there no changes.
I would do the same as last work hard.
Listen Learn Read.Do my work as always and always ask for help.
Be a leader and lead the crowd.
And don't be a follower and follow the crowd