Friday, November 21, 2008

My So Call Life

1)What is your favorite subject? World Literature

2)What color are your socks right now?White

3)What was the last thing that you ate ? Last night I ate fried chicken

4)Can you dive?Yes

5)If you were a crayon,what color would you be and why?I will be light blue because that my favorite color.

6)The last person spoke to on the phone?My dad

7)What your favorite candy?Twister

8)Favorite dink? RootBeer

9)What is your favorite sport to watch?Figure skating, and cheer leading etc..

10)Have you dyed your hair?No

Friday, November 14, 2008

the drama

When the my alarm goes off at 5:45 am that when my drama start. I get up and start to get ready for school it take me a few minutes to get all my stuff ready for the bathroom. Next I got to wake my grandmother and deal with more drama. Secondly it takes me some more minutes to get dress and do the things I have to get ready for school, by then it be like 6:20. Then I got to do my which by then it will be 6:40. Last I would finally walk out the house to the bus stop to catch my first bus which comes at 6:55 or at 7:00 o'clock. And when I get off the first it be about 7:20, and then I got to catch my second bus which take all day getting here because by then it will be 7:35 or about 7:30. So when I get to my stop it would be about 7:40 or about 7:45, then I have to walk to school by the time I arrive at school it would be 7:50.